vLookup with wildcards (equivalent of "contains") - best solution?

I don't think Bob would disagree, Simon. I didn't say it couldn't be done, just that I couldn't figure it out. ;) (I fully expect Bob would shake his head at me and bang it off without even needing to test it.)
I think this ARRAY formula does what you want

Thanks Bob. I dropped it in and Excel corrected it (I think the board picked up an extra space in there between the A and 2.)

Flossie, to commit the Array formula, enter the formula then press CTRL+SHFT+ENTER. Then copy it down to the other cells.

Bob, one day I need you to write a book on working with array formulae. ;)
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Bob, one day I need you to write a book on working with array formulae. ;)

Ken, As you well know, there is no money and little recognition in writing a book.
Besides which Ken Bob IS the book :), you know, i wish fishing was as easy as getting Bob to answer a formula question, just throw him the "I don't think it can be done..." and it's like a red rag to a bull ;)
Hi Bob, why the coercion with the double unary?
Do you know, I was wondering that myself. It is certainly not necessary, probably I ised it in s first attempt and didn't remove it.
......probably I ised it in s first attempt and didn't remove it.
Nice to see you are human after all and that it sometimes does take you more than one go ;)

Actually i thought it was a "best kept secret" of manipulating SUM, so i thought there was going to pearls cast before me :D
Thanks, all, for this, and apologies for delay in responding - a combination of out of the office and then not being able to post on the board...

This works 'in the wild' for me. The only thing is that instead of just a 1 or a 0, I get numbers through to 6. Is the formula also counting the total number of occurrences, or is there something else going on here?
This could happen if you have multiples. Try this array version instead


(Simon, I recall the -- now, this is what I originally tried)
You could also use

Just for the hell of it, a non-array, SUMPRODUCT solution

Just for the hell of it, a non-array, SUMPRODUCT solution

And there we have it :), knew you couldn't resist, some may call it predictable, i choose to call it dependable ;)
And there we have it :), knew you couldn't resist, some may call it predictable, i choose to call it dependable ;)

I've been hunting around for a solution for sometime now and stumbled across this forum.

Just signed up to say thank you and I shall be using this website some more when I need a solution!

Fantastic but..

Just for the hell of it, a non-array, SUMPRODUCT solution


Hello I've just found this & I love it, it's worked out my match, but I once I've matched the value in col A I want to output the value in column B, any help would be extremely appreciated.
Just put the formula in column B?
Just put the formula in column B?

Sorry I didn't make myself very clear, I have column A & B in sheet 2 and I need to look up the value of column B from that sheet 2 which matches the value in column A from the sheet 1.

I'm looking up from

=VLOOKUP("*"&A2&"*",Sheet2!$A$2:$B$100,2,FALSE) this won't work as the wildcard doesn't seem to match the data as per =--(SUMPRODUCT(--(ISNUMBER(MATCH("*"&Sheet2!$A$2:$A$100&"*",$A2,0))))>0) how do I get these to work together.


Claire, that VLOOKUP should work if I understand the data correctly. Give an example where it doesn't work.