If Nesting Question


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Feb 23, 2019
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Excel Version(s)
Office 365
Use the IF function to complete the "Comments" column of table 1. Display "Good Job" if both the "Hours Worked" are less than or equal to the "Estimated Hours" for a project and the assessed "Quality" of that project is greater than 1. Display "Too Much Time" if the "Hours Worked" on a project exceed the "Estimated Hours" for that project; otherwise, display "Poor Quality."
This is the formula I tried to use:
=IF(AND(E16<=C16,H16>1,"Good Job","Poor Quality"),IF(E16>C16,"Too Much Time","Poor Quality"))

It doesn't work!!!
Try something like this:
=IF(H16<=1,"Poor Quality",IF(E16<=C16,"Good Job","Too Much Time"))
Is that something you can work with?
I'm being told that this is the first piece =IF(AND(E16<=C16,H16>1),"Good Job") and this is the 2nd piece =IF(E16>C16,"Too Much Time","Poor Quality"). They work seperately with the exception that "Good Work" show up where it should and False shows up when "Good Job" isn't correct. The 2nd piece works as it should. When I try to put them together =IF(AND(E16<=C16,H16>1),"Good Job",IF(E16>C16,"Too Much Time","Poor Quality")) it doesn't work. I get an error. How would I put them together?

Job IDEstimated Hours
From what I could see, these are the rules:
if quality <= 1 then Poor Quality
Therefore, anything else has quality >1
if hours is <= estimate then Good Job
otherwise Too Much Time

If I'm missing something, can you post some sample data and the expected results?
This is the formula I tried to use:
=IF(AND(E16<=C16,H16>1),"Good Job","Poor Quality"),IF(E16>C16,"Too Much Time","Poor Quality"))

It doesn't work!!!

The problems with the above are:
1. The bracket that terminates the AND() function is in the wrong place, so Excel treats "Good Job","Poor Quality" as intended AND() parameters.
2. There aren't enough nested IFs to handle the return options
3. It seemed prudent to report it if we have both Too much time and poor quality so I have added that.

Try this:
=IF(AND(C16<=E16,H16>1),"Good Job", IF(AND(C16>E16,H16<=1),"Too Much Time and Poor Quality", IF(C16>E16, "Too Much Time", "Poor Quality")))