Power Query / Power Pivot Limitations?


Jul 29, 2017
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Excel Version(s)
I'm just checking...

I have a query that takes a long time to reach a certain stage of completion. From there, I'd like to transform and save it as two completely different tables in Power Pivot. It appears, however, that...

1. I can't park my initial results in a Power Pivot table for use by other queries.
2. I can't create two tables from one Power Query query.

Therefore, it appears that I have only two choices...

A. Save my initial results in a worksheet so that two other queries could summarize that preliminary data in two different ways for use in Power Pivot.
B. Create two completely separate queries that import the same data twice.

Am I correct here? Or am I missing something?
Never mind. I can simply load the first-stage query as a connection-only, and then reference that query in any number of downstream queries.
Nope, that doesn't work. Referencing a query doesn't reference a cache of the query's results; it merely calls the query. So if I reference the query ten times, it apparently runs ten times.

So, apparently, the only way to cache a query's results is to write them to a worksheet.

Or am I STILL missing something?

I'm on 365 with monthly updates. I'm currently on Version 1811, build 11029.20079. I don't know what version I was running at the time of my last post.

What was supposed to have been fixed? Are you saying that if ten queries each calls the same connection-only query during Refresh All, that the called query is supposed to run only one time?

Thanks, Ken!

It's called the caching of shared nodes. So basically, the first load should call a full refresh, but the other 9 queries should be able to refer to that child query's results.