Macro change to add additional copy and paste function

mike guest98

New member
Jun 6, 2018
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Excel Version(s)
Right now the code works perfectly but I would like to add one more function. The code finds all matching number(s) entered in the A1 cell, then copies and pastes the cell contents to the right of it. I would to add copying and pasting to also post the same information in only one the following cells: C17, C18, E17 OR E18. Also, have the code copy and paste the number in the cell below the matching number (from cell A1, see sample result below) into the following cells: B17, B18, D17 or D18. I have some code to do this if you like to see it please advise.

Example with expected result

So as per my sample Excel image. Number 8 was entered in cell A1 and found 8 in cell A34. So 8-15 would be copied and pasted to J8 and C17. It would also copy the number 7 from cell A35 to cell B17. The code would also do the same for cell E20. After all the copying and pasting the cell B34 must be deleted. Same for E20, F20 and G20. I hope this is clear, if not please advise and I will clarify.

<Sub do_it()>

<Dim n, sht As Worksheet, cell As Range, num, tmp, rngDest As Range>

<Set sht = ActiveSheet>

<n = sht.Range("A1")>

<For Each cell In sht.Range("A15:A30,C15:C30,E15:E30,G15:G30,I15:I30").Cells>

<tmp = cell.Offset(0, 1).Value>

<If cell.Value = n And tmp Like "*#-#*" Then>

< 'get the first number>
<num = CLng(Trim(Split(tmp, "-")(0)))>
<Debug.Print "Found a positive result in " & cell.Address>
<'find the next empty cell in the appropriate row>
<Set rngDest = sht.Cells(num, sht.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Offset(0, 1)>

<'make sure not to add before col L>
<If rngDest.Column < 12 Then Set rngDest = sht.Cells(num, 12)>
<cell.Offset(0, 1).Copy rngDest>

<End If>

<End Sub>


    5.7 KB · Views: 11
in the future please wrap code with code tags ( the # button). It makes the code easier to handle and keeps the structure - Thanks
Will do in the future.

Could you please close this posting, reason: no one responded.
There is no reason to close this post as only 4 days have passed since your original post.
As this forum is manned by volunteers it could take some time before you get answers.
If you decide to post on another forum, please read this first. Thanks
        'write the *#-#* to one of 4 cells and number from below to adjacent column
        Set rngDest = sht.Range(Choose(i, "c17", "c18", "e17", "e18"))
        rngDest.Value = cell.Offset(, 1)
        rngDest.Offset(, -1).Value = cell.Offset(1).Value
        i = i + 1
This will error if the number in A1 occurs more than 4 times in the range you're looping through.
Previous post needs i set to 1 ahead of the For Each loop
Sub do_it()

Dim n, sht As Worksheet, cell As Range, num, tmp, rngDest As Range
Dim i As Integer

Set sht = ActiveSheet
n = sht.Range("A1")
i = 1

For Each cell In sht.Range("A15:A30,C15:C30,E15:E30,G15:G30,I15:I30").Cells
    tmp = cell.Offset(0, 1).Value
    If cell.Value = n And tmp Like "*#-#*" Then
        'write the *#-#* to one of 4 cells and number from below to adjacent column
        Set rngDest = sht.Range(Choose(i, "c17", "c18", "e17", "e18"))
        rngDest.Value = cell.Offset(, 1)
        rngDest.Offset(, -1).Value = cell.Offset(1).Value
        i = i + 1 'get the first number
        num = CLng(Trim(Split(tmp, "-")(0)))
        Debug.Print "Found a positive result in " & cell.Address
        'find the next empty cell in the appropriate row
        Set rngDest = sht.Cells(num, sht.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Offset(0, 1)

        'make sure not to add before col L
        If rngDest.Column < 12 Then Set rngDest = sht.Cells(num, 12)
        cell.Offset(0, 1).Copy rngDest
    End If

End Sub
I just checked back to my account and I owe you an apology. Your code works great and a huge thank-you is in order. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season.