Insert a new row based on a specific column value


New member
May 14, 2015
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Hi Gurus,

I need some help on the below situation. I have columns from A to L with headers starting from Sl. No, Goal Name, Activity Name... etc.,
Under 'Goal Name' header, I have Goal 1, Goal 2, etc., For each Goal, I have multiple activities.
For ex: For Goal 1, I have 3 activities below. Likewise, for Goal 2, I have 2 activities and so on.

Now I want to use macros, let's assume, I place a command button on this page and click on it, would ask me which 'Goal' I need to add a blank row at the end of the that particular Goal populated row.

For ex: If I click on command button, it will ask the 'Goal Name'. I enter 'Goal 1' and then immediately, it should add a blank row below the row of 'Activity 1.2'. Likewise, If I enter 'Goal 2', a blank row should be added below 'Activity 2.1'.

Kudos in advance for your help.

Sl. NoGoal NameActivity NameActivity WBSTeamPriorityPlan Start DateActual Start DatePlan End DateActual End DateStatus% Complete
1Goal 1Activity 1WBS 1Team 1
Activity 1.1WBS 1.1Team 1.1
Activity 1.2WBS 1.2Team 1.2
2Goal 2Activity 2WBS 2Team 2
Activity 2.1WBS 2.1Team 2.1
3Goal 3Acitivity 3WBS 3Team 3
4Goal 4Activity 4WBS 4Team 4
Good Morning All.. Appreciate if anyone provides a solution on this... Thanks in advance...
I could able to initiate design and added some code. I inserted a command button on the sheet and clicking on it, invoked a user form:

Private Sub cmdOpenForm_Click()


End Sub

In the user form, added Goal Name list box with values in it, added another command button. Clicking on the command button in the user form adding a blank row in the sheet. Code below:

Private Sub frmAddRow_Click()

If lstGoalName.Value = "Goal 1" Then

ActiveCell.EntireRow.Insert Shift:=xlDown

Selection.Borders.Weight = xlThin

ElseIf lstGoalName.Value = "Goal 2" Then

ActiveCell.EntireRow.Insert Shift:=xlDown

Selection.Borders.Weight = xlThin

End If

End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

lstGoalName.RowSource = "Sheet2!AM1:AM4"

End Sub

However, in the code above, rows are fixed with A8 and A11 etc., for each goal 1, goal 2, etc., But adding few blank rows, it's jumbling up. So can you help me to enhance this code so that when I try to add a blank row it should check what is the last populated row for this particular goal and add a blank row underneath. For ex: If I select 'Goal 1' in the list box of user form and click on the add row button, it should check what is the last activity in the 'Activity Name' column for that particular Goal 1. It should find the last populated activity and then add a blank under it.

Please help.