Formula help-- countif, if


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Aug 10, 2015
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I have 2 columns of data. The left column is whether the individual has good or bad behavior. The right column is whether the individual had a positive or negative experience in the emergency room. I have this formula below, which tells me if the one individual had both bad behavior AND a negative emergency room experience.


However, I have over 400 individuals in my study. How can I adjust this formula to tell me how many individuals had both bad behavior AND a negative emergency room experience? I'm thinking I have to add COUNT or COUNTIF into the above formula? But I'm not sure how to set this all up.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
You've unclear
If you copied the formula to the last row then try

Right now I have this:
This tells me of the people who selected choice 1 in column A, how many of them also selected choice 7 in column B.

Now I also need to know, of the people who selected choice 1 in column A, how many of them selected choices 1-6 (all combined together) in column B. Or another way of saying this is I need to find out how many people who selected choice A in column 1 did NOT select choice 7 in column B.
I tried this, but it's off: =COUNTIFS(A16:A417,1,B16:B417,"=<6")
Do not we complicated the issue
Can you set the example files and the results you want