Updating Table Data With User Form


New member
Apr 8, 2015
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NS Canada
Excel Version(s)
I have a data table with demographic info for community residents. I have a user form for the user to enter new records that works perfectly.
I have a second form that I want the user to be able to use to edit records. The record is selected from a combo box and the form is populated with the record data based on the combo box selection.

My problem is getting the table to update with the changes made in the form. I have searched everywhere for help with this. I found sample code on this site (old post with older version of Excel - I am using version 2013) but I cannot get it working. Can anyone tell me where the problem is?

BTW - There are 3 calculated fields on the form. The calculated fields create the data used in a pivot table.

This is the code I have:

Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click()

'Concatenate the sreet number and street name to auto-fill Address field
Me.Address = (Me.StreetNo & " " & Me.Street)
'Concatenate the name fields to auto-fill the Full Name field

'Concatenation if there is a second last name
If Not IsNull(LastName2) Then
Me.FullName.Value = (LastName) & "," & " " & (FirstName) & " " & (FirstName2) & " " & (LastName2)
End If
'Concatenation if there is only one last name but two first names
If IsNull(LastName2) And Not IsNull(FirstName2) Then
Me.FullName.Value = (LastName) & "," & " " & (FirstName) & " " & "and" & " " & (FirstName2)
End If
'Concatenation if there is only one first name
If IsNull(FirstName2) Then
Me.FullName.Value = (LastName) & "," & " " & (FirstName)
End If

    'To write edited info of form to Sheets("Data")
    Dim LastRow As Long
    Dim ABnum As Double
    Dim ABrng As Range
    Dim WriteRow As Long

' Make sure we're on the right sheet
    With ActiveSheet
' Get the last row used so can set up the search range
    LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
' Set the range to search for the AB number
        Set ABrng = .Range("A1:A" & LastRow)
' Get the AB number from what is selected on form
    ABnum = LastName.Value
' Get the row of sheet for this AB number
    WriteRow = Application.Match(ABnum, ABrng, 0)

' Make this AB number the active cell
Cells(WriteRow, 1).Select
        With ActiveCell
        .Offset(0, 1).Value = FullName.Value
        .Offset(0, 2).Value = LastName.Value
    .Offset(0, 3).Value = LastName2.Value
    .Offset(0, 4).Value = FirstName.Value
    .Offset(0, 5).Value = FirstName2.Value
    .Offset(0, 6).Value = StreetNo.Value
    .Offset(0, 7).Value = Street.Value
    .Offset(0, 8).Value = Phone.Value
    .Offset(0, 9).Value = CellPhone.Value
    .Offset(0, 10).Value = Email.Value
    .Offset(0, 11).Value = AltEmail.Value
    .Offset(0, 12).Value = LotNo.Value
    .Offset(0, 13).Value = Notes.Value
    .Offset(0, 14).Value = (FullName) & Chr(10) & _
(StreetNo) & " " & (Street) & Chr(10) & _
(Phone) & Chr(10) & _
(Email) & Chr(10) & _

End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

    Cells(1, 1).Select
    End With
'Refresh the pivot table to reflect dtaa changes

    Unload Me

End Sub
Hi Omagoodness

Welcome to the Forum!!!

When you say it's not working, are you getting an error message, is the Data posting to the wrong Line, what's happening (or not happening)?

A sample of your File, with Code, will be helpful.
Thank you for responding. I found some help with an online tutorial and my issues have been resolved - finally!!!! This is the code that worked for me:
Private Sub cmdEdit_Click()
'declare the variables
Dim findvalue As Range
'error handling
On Error GoTo errHandler:
'check for values
If Reg1.Value = "" Or Reg3.Value = "" Then
MsgBox "There is not data to edit"
Exit Sub
End If
'edit the row
Set findvalue = Sheet2.Range("H:H").Find(What:=Reg6, LookIn:=xlValues).Offset(0, -5)

'Concatenate the full name field
'get the full name
If Me.Reg2.Value <> "if applicable" Then
Reg5 = (Reg1 & "," & " " & Reg3 & " " & "and" & " " & Reg4 & " " & Reg2)
End If
If (Me.Reg2.Value = "if applicable") And (Me.Reg4.Value = "if applicable") Then
Me.Reg5.Value = Reg1 & "," & " " & Me.Reg3
End If
If (Me.Reg2.Value = "if applicable") And (Me.Reg4.Value <> "if applicable") Then
Me.Reg5.Value = (Me.Reg1 & "," & " " & Reg3 & " " & "and" & " " & Me.Reg4)
End If

'Concatenate the fields for the Directory Listing

Me.Reg17.Value = Me.Reg5 & Chr(10) & Me.Reg8 & " " & Me.Reg9 & Chr(10) & Me.Reg10 & Chr(10) & Me.Reg12 & Chr(10) & Me.Reg13

For X = 1 To cNum
findvalue = Me.Controls("Reg" & X).Value
Set findvalue = findvalue.Offset(0, 1)
MsgBox "Changes Saved", vbOKOnly, "The Crossing"
'refresh the listbox
'error block
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub
MsgBox "An Error has Occurred " & vbCrLf & _
"The error number is: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & _
Err.Description & vbCrLf & "Please notify the administrator"

End Sub