Advanced Filter and sum


New member
Oct 27, 2014
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I have a list of data and need to sort it based on field NUMBER and NAME. Once done, I need to sum it according to the filter. Anyone has a better idea on how to do it? As of now, I will filter field Number then field Name; then, I will create 2 additional blank column at the end of each filter and manually sum it. Reason being I created these additional columns is to make sure it will not mix up the sum amount as I need the sum data to be parked in another sheet. Example as per attached... Please help as it took me ages to do this activity....
NumberNametotal sum total
2701Actual June'14 Project A8,952,342.00
2701Actual June'14 Project A23423
2701Actual June'14 Project B23,424,234.00
2701Actual June'14 Project B342,424.00
2701Actual June'14 Project B2,342,342.00
2701Actual June'14 Project C-453,534.00
2701Actual June'14 Project C-43,534.00
2701Actual June'14 Project D-45.00
2701ACCRUAL June'14 Project A-567,657.00
2701ACCRUAL June'14 Project B-54,654,646.00
2701ACCRUAL June'14 Project C-2,050,800.00
2701ACCRUAL June'14 Project D-1,720,000.00
2704Credit June'14-7,892,400.00
2704Credit June'146,905,850.00
2704Actual July'14 Project A2,342,424.00
2704Actual July'14 Project A34,242,342.00
2704Actual July'14 Project A2,342,424.00
2704Actual July'14 Project b23,424,234.00
2704Actual July'14 Project b23,424,234.00
2704Actual July'14 Project b342,424.00
2704Actual July'14 Project c342,424.00
2704Actual July'14 Project c342,424.00
2704Actual July'14 Project c-453,534.00
2701ACCRUAL July'14 Project A-167,657.00
2701ACCRUAL July'14 Project b-32,654,646.00
2701ACCRUAL July'14 Project c-1,050,800.00
Assume you have those items in columns A:B, try this formula in C2:

=IF(OR(A3="",A2&"_"&TRIM(LEFT(SUBSTITUTE(B2," ",REPT(" ",100)),200))<>A3&"_"&TRIM(LEFT(SUBSTITUTE(B3," ",REPT(" ",100)),200))),SUMIFS(C:C,A:A,A2,B:B,TRIM(LEFT(SUBSTITUTE(B2," ",REPT(" ",100)),200))&"*"),"")

copied down.

This will show the sum on the same row as the last occurance of Unique Number/Name(first 2 words) combination.