Need a Report Calculating Across Multiple Columns from Different Worksheets


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May 22, 2014
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I just submitted this in the "Charts" thread but thought it might be more appropriate here.

In my workbook, I have four worksheets that I am trying to work through the following problem. Those sheets are "Stakeholder Roster", "County Roles", "Agency List" and "Roles By Agency Count".

"Stakeholder Roster" contains column with about 1100 employees within 30 Agencies. There are then 20 columns for which each row/stakeholder can be assign multiple roles from a drop-down list of ~65 roles.

In the sheet "Roles By Agency Count", the Agency list is in column B; the 65 roles are across row 2. On this worksheet, I want to have the intersection of an Agency and a Role tell me how many times a role was assigned within a particular Agency in the "Stakeholder Roster" sheet. The challenge is that in the "Stakeholder Roster" sheet, the same role may appear in various columns (i.e., role X is not always listed down one column for all users; user 1 may have role # in column L while user 2 may have role # assigned in column P)..

I will gladly share the file with anyone who would like to see it for more context.
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