Excel Function Removing Even Duplicates


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Mar 18, 2014
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I want to pull the very last odd duplicate. Example below, I want to pull out A3, and C5 and delete the rest. Is there a function that will allow me to do this? Thank you so much in advance!

For example,

Column 1 Column 2
A 1
A 2
A 3
B 1
B 2
C 1
C 2
C 3
C 4
C 5
D 1
D 2
D 3
D 4
Assuming data starts in Row2, in C2 enter helper formula:


copied down

Then apply AutoFilter (Data|Filter) to the 3 columns.

Filter column 3 for FALSE and delete those rows.

Remove Autofilter and delete column 3 for final list.
Thank you for your help! it works!

The data is actually lil bit trickier! Apply the same concept, Example below, I want to pull out A4, and C9 and delete the rest. Is it possible?

What if the data is

Column 1 Column 2
A 1
A 2
A 4
B 1
B 2
C 1
C 2
C 5
C 7
C 9
D 1
D 2
D 4
D 6