Need a help with a forumula


New member
Dec 26, 2013
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I need a vlookup formula or whatever formula to do the following to the attached spreadsheet
The first worksheet is the sheet I want to pull information into. I want to search the2nd worksheet, User Profile, in the PID column, for each of the PIDs in the first worksheet (column B). I then want to pull that whole line of information into the Columns C through X. I have ensured that the first two will have results. Not all PIDs will be found.
I hope I am making sense. My manager tells me she wants this for her 3 o’clock meeting tomorrow (Wednesday). I am not a happy camper cause this has 50,000 some lines of data. Can any one please help me?

View attachment Test File.xlsx
In cell C2, try this:

=INDEX('User Profile'!$A$2:$V$14,MATCH($B2,'User Profile'!$D$2:$D$14,0),MATCH(C$1,'User Profile'!$A$1:$V$1,0))

Amend rows/columns as required for the size of the second worksheet, then autofill across/down.

Thank you for your efforts. I tried inputting the formula several times and I get #N/A.
#N/A means no match, so the code isn't found.

You could also try

=VLOOKUP(B3,CHOOSE({1,2},'User Profile'!$D$2:$D$14,'User Profile'!$A$2:$A$14),2,FALSE)

Yes, I know #N/A means no match. I see it all too often. I tried your formula, typed it in as you presented it above, and I get #N/A. Maybe this process just isn't possible. It has given me a headache and I hate this last minute stuff. I mean this could be done with a few days to do it, since there are over 50,000 lines of data, I would do it manually. But she wants it done right now, her way, with a VLookup.

Thanks for your efforts!
You are getting #N/A because there is nothing on User profile for some of the codes. B£ doesn't match, B4 does. If you know what it means, what are you complaining about? What do want it to return when there is no match, it can't conjure up some fake value for you.
I see that this issue is closed. However, for other people that want to know, if you expect to have results that are not listed in your lookup table thus returning a #N/A; you can get rid of this by simply adding an iferror() around your original formula.

=IFERROR(INDEX('User Profile'!$A$2:$V$14,MATCH($B5,'User Profile'!$D$2:$D$14,0),MATCH(C$1,'User Profile'!$A$1:$V$1,0)),"")

this way if it returns an error it will simply report "" or blank text in the cell. This is useful if you just don't want to see a bunch of #N/A values.