Look up cell value in one sheet, if found post other cell value to another sheet

Rude Awakening

New member
Nov 4, 2013
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Hey Guys
Having an issue with a SS, wondering if someone can help.

I need to look up the "Test case ID number (=BARC!E2)" from the BARC sheet to the "Summary sheet" and if a match is found do three separate things. I am aware these require three separate but similar formulas.

  • Insert the "Test Description" from the Summary sheet into the "Test Case" area of the BARC sheet.
  • Insert the "Reconciliation" from the Summary sheet into the "Reconciliation" area of the BARC sheet.
  • Insert the "Category" from the Summary sheet into the "Category" area of the BARC sheet.

As an example, search BARC-POS-1.1.01 (=BARC!E2) in Summary sheet,
Where found in "Summary sheet"
insert "Description" 'Summary Sheet'!A3 into 'BARC'!B2,
insert "Reconciliation" 'Summary Sheet'!B3 into 'BARC'!E4
insert "Category" 'Summary Sheet'!A3 into 'BARC'!D4

I have tried various IF(ISERROR statements similar to Col E-H in Summary Sheet but have been unsuccessful.

View attachment Test Case V2.0 - Copy.xls

I've had to delete alot of contents as the file was too big, but the Col E-H formula does work
Appreciate any assistance
In B2:

=IF(ISNA(MATCH(E2,'Summary Sheet'!$C:$C,0)),"",INDEX('Summary Sheet'!A:A,MATCH(E2,'Summary Sheet'!$C:$C,0)))

and similar in other cells subbing the 'Summary Sheet'!A:A for the column containing the information of interest.
Worked like a charm.
Thanks a mill.
Sorry abt the late reply