Fetching Data from Multiple Name Changing Sheets with VlookUp


New member
Oct 3, 2013
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Hi team,

I am trying to fetch a data from the sheet titled:
Sellerwise Live Listings_20131003.xlsx

The sheet will change its name next week to :
Sellerwise Live Listings_20131010.xlsx

and so on. The vlookup that works is =VLOOKUP(A10,'[Sellerwise Live Listings_20131003.xlsx]Sheet1'!$A:$C,2,FALSE)

I am looking for a vlookup, so that I dont need to open the excel sheet every week.

I am trying concatenating. Chk attached picvlookupquery_zps6cafc3c2.png
you cant just concatenate you need indirect to build the path/reference BUT that does not work with closed workbooks
Ah darn it means I will have to open the other sheet to get values into my current sheet. Ok can you help me with the INDIRECT formula. Now the path looks like:

=VLOOKUP(A8,'G:\Marketing\Category_Management\Eswar\Daily Live Listings\Sellerwise Live Listings\[Sellerwise Live Listings_20131003.xlsx]Sheet1'!$A:$B,2,FALSE)
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Ok concatenation successful, but I have heard we can extract data from closed files, check out this post:

yes but that needs the morefunc add in which can be a bit hit or miss and uses indirect.ext() not indirect() there is a link in point 4 of that page to download it