Conditional formatting not working


New member
Oct 3, 2013
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I have 3 conditional formatting rules, one of which isn't working. I've moved the rule in question to the top of the list and it still doesn't work. I have a column with dates in, which I compare against a predefined date elsewhere in the sheet. I'll explain below:

If I do JUST this, it works:


If I do JUST this, it also works:


But if I combine them together with the AND() function, it doesn't work:


Can anyone help please?

Many thanks,
What is the =INDIRECT("D"&ROW()) supposed to actually be testing for?

Incidentally, there is no need to use INDIRECT and ROW. If you have say A2 active when applying the formatting, using just =$D2 will achieve the same thing.
My test:
If the date in INDIRECT("D"&ROW()) is after TODAY() then I want to change the background colour of that row.

However, some rows won't actually have any data in INDIRECT("D"&ROW()) at all, in which case the background colour still changes, so I wanted to test to see if there was any data there first before applying the date comparison.

I'm working on a range of rows, and when I tried using a single cell reference (even though the formula applied to the range, weird things started to happen!
Assuming A2 active again:

If that doesn't work, can you post a workbook?
Thanks for the reply - it still doesn't work. I've posted a workbook. The range to which the conditional formatting should be applied is called "LIST".


  • test.xlsx
    14.8 KB · Views: 7
Since the range starts on row 7 the formula is: