Formula Help


New member
Apr 30, 2013
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Hi There

I need a formula that is going to pull data from two seperate raw data sheets, the formula needs to do the following:

  • recognise a persons name
  • recognise the date
  • count the amount of cells that show a persons name against a specific date and multiply by 10 on one sheet and then add that to a total figure assigned in another sheet against the same name and date

Any help would be appreciated :)

can you please upload a workbook with dummy information, that has the format of what you are trying to do.
a short answer would be use a countif()
if you have your list of names in column A, and dates in column B.
replace the ?? with the ending ranges, or the name/date you want to check against.

hope this gets you going.
reply with attachment

can you please upload a workbook with dummy information, that has the format of what you are trying to do.
a short answer would be use a countif()

I have attached a spreadsheet in the first tab ignore actual worked column (column G)

Thanks for the help
I'm sorry but I don't see the attachment. You need to click the "Go Advanced" button to attach a spreadsheet.