if a cell in a range is blank, it should return an error.Do i use a formula for that?


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Apr 2, 2013
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I have a range of cells that have a drop down list in them. These affect an ovearall percentage. I need to ensure that every cell in that range has a Yes/No/N\A. If even just one cell does not have a value, then it must return an error.

Is there a formula for that?
You can use possibly COUNTBLANK



where X1:X10 is your range of cells, and all either have a value or not.
The formula im using is =IF(OR(E20="",E21="",E22),"",SUMIF(E20:E22,"Yes",$C20:$C22)/(1-SUMIF(E20:E22,"N/A",$C20:$C22)/SUM($C20:$C22))*IF(COUNTIFS($D20:$D22,"auto zero",E20:E22,"No"),0,1))

When applying your part i end up with:

=IF(COUNTBLANK(X1:X10)>0,"Error",IF(OR(E20="",E21="",E22),"",SUMIF(E20:E22,"Yes",$C20:$C22)/(1-SUMIF(E20:E22,"N/A",$C20:$C22)/SUM($C20:$C22))*IF(COUNTIFS($D20:$D22,"auto zero",E20:E22,"No"),0,1))

The part highlighted in red is designed to keep the cell blank, however when i apply your part of the formula, the cell value is error until all relevant cells are populated. Then the percentage is displayed. See E23. File attached


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you can pull it to the front:

=IF(OR(E20="",E21="",E22),"",IF(COUNTBLANK(X1:X10)>0,"Error",SUMIF(E20:E22,"Yes",$C20:$C22)/(1-SUMIF(E20:E22,"N/A",$C20:$C22)/SUM($C20:$C22))*IF(COUNTIFS($D20:$D22,"auto zero",E20:E22,"No"),0,1)))

you may forgotten to include the ="" after E22 in that red part.... check again.
IF i copy your formula in E23

=IF(OR(E20="",E21="",E22=""),"",IF(COUNTBLANK(X1:X10)>0,"Error",SUMIF(E20:E22,"Yes",$C20:$C22)/(1-SUMIF(E20:E22,"N/A",$C20:$C22)/SUM($C20:$C22))*IF(COUNTIFS($D20:$D22,"auto zero",E20:E22,"No"),0,1)))

Even if all the drop downs are Yes or No, the value in E23 is still error? Am i doing something wrong?
I am not sure I understand then.

This part: IF(OR(E20="",E21="",E22=""),""... says to that if any of the 3 cells are blank, return a blank... and this part: IF(COUNTBLANK(E20:E21)>0,"ERROR".. (i used X1:X10) in my example, for you to adjust to your data) would say if any of the cells are blank return "ERROR".

I am not sure which you want?
Looking at your spreadsheet, I think you want something like this:
=IF(COUNTBLANK(E20:E22)=3,"",IF(COUNTBLANK(E20:E22)<3,"Not Finished",SUMIF(E20:E22,"Yes",$C20:$C22)/(1-SUMIF(E20:E22,"N/A",$C20:$C22)/SUM($C20:$C22))*IF(COUNTIFS($D20:$D22,"auto zero",E20:E22,"No"),0,1)))

Note I made it say "Not Finished" rather than "Error".

Edit: Whoops, I meant to put this:
=IF(COUNTBLANK(E20:E22)=3,"",IF(COUNTBLANK(E20:E22)>0,"Not Finished",SUMIF(E20:E22,"Yes",$C20:$C22)/(1-SUMIF(E20:E22,"N/A",$C20:$C22)/SUM($C20:$C22))*IF(COUNTIFS($D20:$D22,"auto zero",E20:E22,"No"),0,1)))
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