Sum based on date


New member
Mar 31, 2022
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Excel Version(s)
I want to sum data by year based on the start and end contract dates, which are in 2 separate columns in excel.

For example:

2020 2021 2022 are the table headers I want to put my sum under.
Product Family
Product Family

In another sheet I have 2 columns (J and K) which have the start and end dates . I want to sum values (in column I) IF 12/31 2020 is in between the start and end dates

Is this possible? I know I will need to use a SUMIFS because I also need my yearly sums broken down by product family

Thank You
As long as I understood your description (please attach an example if I'm wrong ), here's something I knocked up. I think it works but haven't tested it to destruction.

However if you UnPivot your data with Power Query it would be easier.

View attachment YearCol_Sum_Problem.xlsx
Are you saying that you have column headers with the year number in them, and then rows with cells with a dd/mm value? If so, I would suggest that you re-design the spreadsheet, you are making life hard.