Dynamic data pulled into Excel - how to get a snapshot before it gets overwritten


New member
Apr 29, 2021
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Excel Version(s)
365 for Enterprise v.2101
I use the Jira plugin to pull data from Jira into an Excel sheet, so every time the plugin runs (acc to schedule) that same data gets overwritten (i.e. everything that was there before is erased so new data takes place).
What I need to accomplish is to capture some original information from the first time the data is pulled from Jira into the spreadsheet, but I'd like to use in Excel without the use of VBA. Thus, I'd like to take a snapshot of the data when written into Excel the first time so I can calculate the sum of a specific column which will provide me with a total number I need to use for later comparison as the same data changes.

So my question is -
Is there a way to capture that in Excel somehow through a formula or some workaround that will save the original data somewhere for the first time it is written and before it gets overwritten (my Jira Plugin pulls data from Jira every hour).
I need to figure out an automated process that does this without manual intervention.
