Help with setting up a cost sheet


New member
Sep 27, 2019
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Excel Version(s)
Hi all,

I need to make a sheet with the following:

A group of people is defined as max 12 and has some fixed costs: 3.345 per group is fixed
Variable cost per group is 80 per participant.

If the total group size is 13-24 there is a second group with the same fixed costs and same variable cost. And so on with groups of max 12.

However, if the end group has less than 10 participants, they will be placed into a completely new group with the only costs being 395 per participant (just for this group).

Now i need this in Excel and i am not smart enough to do this. I am sure this community is much smarter than I am and the solution is staring me in the face...
You need to supply an example, sample inputs and sample results.
You need to supply an example, sample inputs and sample results.
Not sure exactly what kind of examples you need, but here we go:

Sample size = 10; Total cost: 3.950
Sample size = 12; Total cost: 4.305
Sample size = 16; Total cost; 5.885

Now i just want a sheet where i can place the sample size of participants to calculate the total costs, based on the variables in my first post.
How you get to those totakl cost numbers woukld help, I cannot see the relationship between them and what youb said in your first post.

Best of all would be a spreadsheet with examples of the data, exa=mples of the results, and explanation of same.