Excel 2016- problem merging multiple tables (not Pivot Tables)


New member
Oct 19, 2016
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I have a single workbook with multiple sheets, four sheets to be exact. Each sheet is a table which was populated with a connection using Data...New Query...From Other sources....From Web.

All four table have two columns in common which will be used as the merging index. Name and Area

Table 1

Name Area field1 field2

Table 2

Name Area field1 field2

Table 3

Name Area field1 field2

Table 4

Name Area field1 field2

What I did was create multiple Merge Queries which

Merge table1 and table2 making TableA

Merge tableA and table3 making TableB

Merge tableB and Table4 making MergedTables

MergedTables now looks like

Name Area a.field1 a.field2 b.field1 b.field2 c.field1 c.field2 d.field1 d.field2

This works ok but I am sure there is a much cleaner way to handle it. Currently I have to be sure Tables 1 - 4 have been refreshed and then run Merge1, then Merge2, then Merge3

If possible I would like to use 1 query with all 4 connections and create the MergedTables table.

thanks in advance

You might find the answer to your problem by reading the Excel Help file by typing in "Consolidate" and reading the various options for consolidating data from different worksheets. From what I saw there, it looked like it would give you the easiest method of combining the information from your four worksheets.
Resolution to problem

Turns out all I need to do is execute the final Merge to build my complete table. The final merge includes all the connections, column formatting, etc. I initially setup and ran Merge1 then merge2 and then Merge3. After the initial run of merge3 my table is loaded complete with the data from the previous merges.

All that is required now is a run of Merge3.
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